"In this moment of tranquility...I realize, that this...is goodbye."

Jul 05, 2011 21:37

Try as I might, I cannot hear the n in "Mange" in this song, except in the beginning. Not in the chorus. I'd need more practice to speak Swedish, I suppose.

That video is absolutely hilarious, by the way. It looks like it was made by a bunch of random frat guys. :p

I admit, I'm starting to get worried about coming back to America. Not just about culture shock or employment, but about what's happened in the meantime. It's true I have a lot of friends there, and because softlykarou is going to school in Chicago we'll be close to them, but...well, I don't know. Three years is a while. How much have things changed? I don't know. When ashiri_chan came to visit, it was like no time had passed, really. If that's a portent of things to come, then that's good, but I won't know until I go home. I guess we'll see. It's a bit hard to tell, because a lot of the people I hung out with most at home are not particularly active on the internets, or at least, not the parts I frequent.

I suppose all I can do is wait and see.

I'm also a bit worried about keeping in touch with the people I met in Japan. This is mostly because I have the lesson of the people I met in Ireland, none of whom I talk to more than infrequently and most of whom I don't talk to at all. Then again, there are a few differences: 1) I was only in Ireland for four months, and 2) We didn't have Facebook then. I've been in Japan for three years, and while I haven't known most of the people I talk to now for that long (and it doesn't help that I'm usually quite introverted), well...again, we'll have to see.

Enough whining.

worries (懸念)

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