Where everyone knows your name

Sep 17, 2009 20:05

Yesterday, I went to dinner at Lal’s (an Indian restaurant) in the city like I usually do on Wednesdays. softlykarou teaches the children’s class in Chiyoda on Wednesdays and can’t be around to pick me up from the station, so rather than walk home, I stay a little later and eat in the city. Anyway, this time, I went in right as they were opening and sat down. The server came over, gave me the special speed menu, then put a hand on it again and asked, "’いつもでいいですか?" Itsumo de ii desu ka?, or roughly, "Is the usual okay?" I said it was, and had dinner a few minutes later. It's nice to be recognized.

One of my students tried to kiss me yesterday. Fortunately, it was a joke.

Here's the story. I gave them a speaking test yesterday, and when it was done, there was only 10 minutes of class left, so I gave them free time. So they said, "Thank you!" and then they said "I love you!" and then one girl said "kiss me!" to which I rolled my eyes and responded with "No." I thought that was the end, until a group of them tried to get me to take my hair out of the ponytail. I managed to hold them off by trying to get them to ask me in English, but Hamasaki-san (the girl who introduced herself as Hamasaki Ayumi) ran up to try to show me what they wanted and reached for my hair. While fending her off, I turned a bit and ended up with my face a few inches away from her, after which she said, "Kiss me." They're clearly reading too much shoujo manga.

I finally took my hair down for a bit after they asked in English. They asked me to do it again, and I told them that I might do it next time if they were quiet and listened. We'll see if that actually works. I suspect it won't, but I'd be happy to be proven wrong.

Tomorrow the school is going to a performance of 鶴姫伝説 Tsuru-hime Densetsu, or "Legend of the Crane Princess." I think I get to go as well, but my only confirmation is an offhand comment from one of the teachers I tutor and a note that there's no morning meeting tomorrow, so I'd better check. Hopefully I'll be able to follow the story.

Next entry: I tell you some of Suzugamine's rules.

suzugamine (鈴々峯), schoolgirls (女子高生), hiroshima city (広島市), japan (日本), daily life (生活)

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