Musings before the fun begins

Jan 17, 2011 11:56

Here we are again. Monday. A week from now will be my first day of student teaching. It's hard for me to think that I'll be spending seven hours a day, Monday through Friday, doing things again. I've been on a college student schedule for so long, working when I want to, doing other things whenever that the thought of having to be in one place for that lone makes me... uneasy.
Maybe that's not the word. I'm sure everything will be fine. It's just working around the creative outbursts, and remembering to make notes about things so I can take care of them later. Plus, writing that wonderful paper still needs to happen.
The data for exam three is still missing. I like to believe it will show up before the end of the week. Whether it will or not, who can say. I have been reading through previous studies. I need to come up with something in the way of an introduction. And write up my methods.
It's exhausting to think about. I think writing is going to happen before errands. Then we'll see where the day takes me.
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