May 04, 2006 18:43
Today was a day of business. While our Human was busy on his laptop, I went out in search of the ones who caused him to be sick in the first place. He's ranted and raved on them when it's just us three so I know who to look for. Sort of. It's easy to stick to the shadows and follow the humans around until they lead me to my prey.
First is Opticon. He's the one is always causing my Human problems. When he isn't looking I pounce! His ankles are first cause I need to get him down to my level. When he bends down to swat at me, I use my claws and scratch his arms and bite his hands! I run away before he can catch me and hide in a little nook while I clean my paws.
One down, three to go.
Maybe I'll just let this Human tell of my ferociousness and leave the other three alone. For now, at least.
After my paws are clean, I calmly walk back home. The city-lady is nice enough to open the door for me a crack and I slip in. Andy reports that our Human hasn't moved from the laptop in all this time so I go into the office and meow until he gets up. Our Human must have belonged to other cats before us because he knows that I don't like to be picked up and he knows enough to translate my calls. Then again, he's a very smart Human.
He picks Andy up and I lead him to the kitchen where our Human makes us lunch. Yum. Fish!
our human,