Doubutsu Uranai!

Aug 07, 2007 07:34

1) HAPPY B-DAY inori_sakura!!
:D :D :D

2) So this DOUBUTSU URANAI fortune-telling thingy. Anyone heard of it? I saw it on this one chick's LJ via loveleahdizon. Also, Leah was talking about it on some show back when she was promoting Softly. Anyway, it's so cute! And kinda accurate, too...

I'm an orange koala C:

Here's my fortune!
Most of it is pretty true, actually o.o

You are Orange Koala, who tends to give an impression of being too sensitive and nervous.

But you have thorough insight and can work efficiently.

You are cheerful and very forthright.

Your short temper may cause your advantages to diminish.

When the positive side of you comes out, you will try hard to go beyond the person you do not want to loose against.

You are suited to academic and artistic areas, where you can seek your insight.

Your soul never gets old, and you will keep coming up with new ideas.

The occupations you will be good at are those works where you can use your natural sense of creativity.

You may come up with new and innovative idea while relaxing.

This make you suited to jobs concerning planning events or entertaining.

Areas of arts may also bring good luck.

You are precise with money, and do not spend money easily.

You will save up rather than use it, and although you don't show, you are sensitive with interests between personal relationships.

You don't buy things impulsively.

Socially, you are very open person.

You seem to be very sociable person, but really you are extremely cautious, and will not easily tell your true feelings.

Balancing this kind of your bilateral character will be your task.

You can fall in love many times, but once married, you will take charge of the household, and control it efficiently.

ESPECIALLY THAT LAST ONE. Because I kind of want to be my mom, who is the bread-winer of my family and everything she basically says, goes... so yeah~

I don't know about the one with not spending money easily, don't buy things impulsively, though. Well, sometimes there are exceptions! So it's okay~

And that thing about short temper... I just realized I think that's what my problem is. Not that I have major moodswinging problems, it's just that I have a short temper. D: And then it kinda mixes with that "you are extremely cautious, and will not easily tell your true feelings" part, and it ends up being rather problematic. Haha.

Well...I'm working on it, is all I'm saying. :X

And then this is what koalas' characteristics and personality generally are:

1. Koalas need time to space out

2. Koalas can be the life of the party

3. Koalas base a decision on whether or not it will be fun

4. Koalas love warm places

5. Are Koalas calculating?

6. Koalas are good at playing tricks and not getting caught

7. Koalas are the master of the excuse

8. Koalas are suspicious

9. Koalas won't enter competitions they will lose

10. Koalas are oddly romantic

AHHH. I'M SUSPICIOUS XO WHAT. HOW?! WHAT... lolzzz oh well.
3, 7, 9, and I guess 10 are so very very true. :X I'm not sure about all the other ones, but yeah. Haha.

Check yours out, too! Here~

3) So I've caught up with all the subbed eps of Tantei Gakuen Q on Veoh. :D

My thoughts on Tantei Gakuen Q: JSODHJOFISOFIJSOFJSOFDHF:OIJ!!!!!! SO EFFING CUTE OMG. AND LITTLE WAKABA IS SO~ CUTE! AND WTF HIS CLOTHES ARE AWESOME AND HE WAS WEARING SEX POT :O LOL And Yamada... he's smooooooth. How old is he? 14? Man, I sense a very bright future for him. I think him and Yuto will be like the next Yamapi/Kame. Scoring all those lead roles and fangirls and shiet.

But uhh. YEAH. The drama's really good, too~ And I was so proud of myself when I figured out who the murderer was in episode 2 waaaaayyyyy before Kyuu and them realized. >:D UGH AND I HATE THAT STUPID CLIFFHANGER ENDING TO EPISODE 4. SJOFISODFIJSDOFIJ. What the freak, man. But I hope that the Collector isn't Wakaba Ryuuya... :C

I'm really curious who it is, though. If anyone knows what episode to the anime that is, TELL ME. I'm gonna go watch that. XD

4) I CAUGHT UP WITH PAPA TO MUSUME NO...UM... NANOKAKAN? IS THAT IT? ERR. Well, w/e the name is. >_> But yeah. zomggg it's so good! AND THE DAD IS SO WIN. That's great acting right there. It's really as if Koume is actually in him! XD Aragaki Yui's pretty good, too, haha. And omggg THAT NISHINO CHICK is such a home-wrecker! ...but I love it. XD

It's sad that there's only gonna be 7 eps, though :[ Oh, well... that's okay. There is surprisingly a lot of Shige in here, too, which is yay ♥

5) AND I'M ALMOST COMPLETELY CAUGHT UP WITH YAMADA TARO MONOGATARI. I'm waiting on episode 3 to finish downloading right now. :D
It is really good...! But I don't like that leading girl. Ugh. If she says tama no koshii or w/e again, zomg... I'm sending hate mail. D:

Just kidding!

But yeah, I really don't like her. I wish her friend was the leading girl instead! She's cute~ and she was in Attention Please, wasn't she... @_@

And also, SHOMIYA FTW. And that right on the second episode is NINO CROSSDRESSING. JSDOFIJSOFIJ WIN!

And you know what, I actually really really like his wig in this one:

Seriously. o_o

...anyways. Umm. LOL gonna go back to drama watching~ 8D
Or maybe I'll go make some graphics!
No, wait. I really should start packing before I forget. :/
So I'm gonna go do laundry instead!

doubutsu uranai, dramas

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