I am so late with this!
Ao couldn't sleep whole night thinking about what he found out. Misuzu(Suzumi) on the other hand is all cheerful and even asks Grandfather to help him with book sorting. Grandfather is melting. Kayo is also not in the mood and conveys in her father that Ao doesn't look happy at all since "that suspicious girl" came. Kon has to agree on this. That night family is having a dinner and Kon asks Ao about being so gloomy when finding such nice wife. The conversation takes a turn at Misuzu and Kayo calls her on ditching Ao and then just appearing. Ai thinks Ao should defend Misuzu and Ganato brushes it with his "Love da ne". This time it is enough to piss off and he insists that love is not enough, it needs to be understanding and truth. They fight again. One cute detail is that while Ganato hides and Ao can't find him so Misuzu silently points him way.
Next morning, Misuzu is doing something when Ao comes. She remembers that he has a trip and he surprises her with apology. He ought to defend her yesterday. But he couldn't, cause she lied to him. Aww, i love straightforward people! He asks her to explain but she says she can't at the moment. He tells her he likes her! Yup, straightforward people are the best! He doesn't like to being lied to but will not tell her to go. Instead he will wait for her to explain everything to him. She promises. They say goodbye and she wishes him safe trip. When he is gone she berates herself for being happy reminding that he will hate her when he finds out. Beautiful woman comes in the store just when Ao is ready to leave. They think she is one of stalker-wives but Priest recognizes her as woman who was walking with Ganato. They jump to conclusions till she puts a stop at it by introducing herself: she is Nagasaka, secretary of Mr Fujishima aka Fancy suit! She even brings them present telling how grateful all employees are because Fancy Fujishima returns to company in good mood whenever he comes here. He totally comes in not noticing her and apologizes to Grandpa about not coming last week. It takes few seconds to register he=is secretary standing there. Lol! They both walk with Ao and he comments how he always felt Fujishima is more modern type. They come to big limo and Ao thinks some celebrity is in the hood(lol) but Fujishima enters and asks Ao to take him to the airport. Ao is happy like little kid. When they are in front he asks Ao why is Ai single mom(secretary notes this) but he honestly says no one knows. In the house, Grandpa finds door of book storage opened and few books are missing. It is nothing much though but when having breakfast, he cautions everyone. Misuzu is little strange. It may be because Kayo called her on not knowing Aos' favorite food but it catches Kons' attention. Later she is working in shop when Ai and Kon send kids to school. Kon comments how Kayo begins to resemble her mother and Ai asks Misuzu not to take Kayos' words to heart. She is really close to Ao because their situation are the same. This is a surprise to Misuzu and Ai conveys whole story: when they were kids, one day Ganato just appeared with newborn saying that cute baby is his son. When he was kid Ao looved shop and always said he will become successor. Till in junior high he found out he has different mother and stopped reading. In high school he became delinquent and once was brought into custody. Ganato came in his tour bus and right away made concert in front of Police station singing to his son that he should come home. Though Ao would not admit it, his eyes were filled with tears. And Ganato was arrested for obstructing policemen in their duty. Lol! Since that day, Ao did improve but still didn't read and never talked about being successor again. As him, Kayo never knew her father but Ai raised her responsibly. Ai asks Misuzu to tell her if something ever happens and insists that Misuzu being Aos' girlfriend made them very happy. Misuzu is down which Kon doesn't miss to notice.
Few days after in Manami-chans' bar, Ao comes to bring her gift. There is already Ganato, who is sharing Ken-chans' happiness about being invited to his granddaughters' birthday party, and Kon, who wants to chat with Ao. He confesses that he kept an eye on Misuzu and think she is burglar. Ao takes offence saying she is not that kind of girl but Kon points that they don't know much about eachother and detective-neighbor said it might be someone from house. Ao leaves disappointed in brother. Manami-chan finds it unusual that it is brother-brother fight. Ganato is been overhearing and asks to have a chat with Kon. Ao arrives home and contemplates entering Misuzus' room. He stand there looking at door while she is silently crying inside. He gives up and rolls his baggage away.
Next morning Grandpa asks dejected Ao to watch over store while he is out. Misuzu prepares herself to write something when Grandpa surprises her. He came to take incense and asks Misuzu to accompany him. The thing is, it is Grandmas' death anniversary. He would like Misuzu to pray too cause Grandma was always so concerned for Ao and would be really happy to see Ao on his special day. At shop Fancy Fujishima arrives and offers to help Kayo with math. Kon arrives and Ao just turns away still bitter about their talk. Ai asks Kon to keep an eye at shop. When she enters her room she finds her picture(of a man) torn. Hearing her scream, Ao and Kon rush in. Family gathers around painting and Grandpa suggests calling a police, it is not game any more. They notice Misuzu is not present and when they enter her room, it is empty. No clothes or other things, just paper on table saying: I am sorry. Goodbye. Thank you. Aos' face turns white and he rushes out while Ganato has something to say to the rest of the family. Kids sit outside and Ganato asks Kon to speak. They usher kids out and Kon wants permission from Ai. She lets him though she doesn't want to speak herself. Kon takes out magazine and presents Makino Haruo, he was professor at Aikos' university and is Kayos' dad. Man dies 3 weeks ago. Aikos' expression confirms it. Though Kon insists that man was respectful and would not do it lightly, Grandpa finds this outrageous. Ganato too checked man and his family, daughters' name is Makino Suzumi. Ai is surprised and Kon confirms it, Misuzu IS Makino Haruos' daughter-Makino Suzumi. Ao finds Suzumi/Misuzu on playground. She explains how shocked she was when her father told her she has half-sister, it was not like him to do something like that. Her father left her info on Ai and when she realized she is Aos' sister Hotta Aiko she decided not to see Ao again. But it was hard to forget him and she wanted to see woman who was with his father so she came determined to stay only till she get to know Ai and Kayo. Alas, she liked Ao more and more. And Ai ended up being so nice. She apologizes. He takes her hand and brings her back to the house. When they enter house together(his hand on her shoulder) Ganato welcomes them. Suzumi apologizes to Ai with deep bow. Ai gently asks if it is about book. Suzumi averts eyes. Ai brings down book she was looking in earlier episodes. It is one with nice inscription. It was Professors' first book and inscription was made for his wife. When Suzumi was young, her mother often showed her that book. Her father was poor at the time and barely collected money for publishing. It was painful to Suzumi that her father gave away that book instead of giving it to his daughter. Ai confesses that she stole it. Grandpa is incredulous but Ai says she was jealous of woman who was loved so much. She deeply bows in apology. Suzumi also apologizes to her and to everyone for all disturbance before standing up to leave. Ao runs behind her and drags her in again. This time he properly introduces her as his girlfriend and though she has some flaws she is great person and his beloved girlfriend. He would like for them to accept her. Suzumi is crying so hard that she needs to cover her sobs with hand. Grandpa can't believe that anyone would shoo such lovely girl and everyone greets her one more time. Suzumi and Ao smile widely at eachother while Ganato points "Love da ne". Ao again rolls his eyes on it but is proven wrong. Ganato: If this is not Love than what is it? For once i am on the same page as him. Kids stand at door and little guy wonders what is all fuss about but Kayo says it is about sister. She knows?!
Week after, Suzumi takes her things to Hotta house and Ao helps her introducing her to everyone in the shop as girlfriend. They are smiling till lady barges in and clings on Aos' hand. No one knows what it is about, even Ao is confused till Maddok-san translates(from english lol): girl is here to marry Ao! HA! Ao desperately tries to explain to Suzumi that it is mistake while Maddok-san and others move other girl. I think she will forgive him.
As much as what Suzumi did was scary and out of place it is not hard to understand. Who would blame her after everything she was trough, it is quite shock. As much as i understand Ai, what she did with book was even scarier because Suzumi had really big chunk of anger, disappointment and sadness on her heart. Ai had irrational jealousy. I think she realizes too and in some way was happy to return it to its rightful owner. I am relieved that we are finally past all that though Ais' character was too perfect and in some way it makes me happy to see she this. She made some stupid things in her life and managed to grow up and get above it. Cookie for her.
For Ao, finding out that you are not really same blood as those you considered you siblings is pretty much the scariest thing in the world. But as his (half-)sister he did good job in becoming good person. I cannot say he did his best because he is obviously still hurt and holding grudge. Kon and Ai always look at him like he is their little brother and even when they tell someone he is half-brother i think they are doing it to caution people not to say something that would hurt him. There is no rejection or separation on their behalf. That is why he should try and forgive Ganato.
And in next episode i think we are finally getting some Love! I am looking for sparks and i better get them.