Title: Kanashimi (悲しみ)
doralice_29Rating: PG13
Genre: drama
Warnings: -
Bands: The GazettE
Pairings: Ruki/???
Disclaimer: Srsly, do you think I’d be here if I owned them? o.O
Synopsis: But what they see is just a fake face.
Comment: The word “Kanashimi” means sadness.
Note: a drabble written in Ruki’s POV. It sucks, sorry
I wonder what people think when they see me standing in front of them.
I know I often sound rude.
I swear I’m not.
But people don’t believe me.
And what hurts the most is that even the ones I call “friends” often think that way too...
Yeah, right...
This is why this is here...
My mask...
The one I wear every single day.
I smile.
I make people laugh.
But what they see is just a fake face.
Not the bitter smile hidden behind it.
I wonder what people will think when the mask is going to break down.