Aug 13, 2006 06:51
Well I had fun for the last couple of days. I have been at Davids house. A and D are gone so we had some fun. I got drunk for the first time ever. It was fun. I didn't do anything to embarrass myself. It was funny, I was trying to play monopoly but I don't think it was working too well. I fell asleep in the bathroom propped up against the tub. I remember david and P helping me to the bed. I woke up about three and threw up. It was a good time!!
Yesterday we went to davids moms house. She had a lot of stuff for us to carry. I like her, she is funny. I hope she gets the job she wants. After we left there we came home and played monopoly again. I was losing really bad, but David let me catch up. Then I won!! He was nice to me when I was losing but didn't want me to be nice to him when he was losing. It was fun!
I feel asleep with my head in his lap(no point intended LOL) it was nice. I really hope we are friends forever. We are good for each other. I'll miss him
I feel like no one is really going to miss me. I guess we will see. Five days and counting...
That's all for now
Peace out