
Sep 09, 2020 21:14

Master list of fics
Fics in an arc are listed in chronological order. 
Disclaimer:  All Harry Potter characters, objects, settings, and plots are the property of J.K. Rowling and whoever created, drew, and currently owns Gundam Wing.  This author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise associated with Harry Potter or Gundam Wing.  No copyright infringement is intended, and no money is being made fom the writing of this fanfiction.


Freedom Arc

1) The Price of Freedom
Rating: G
Word count: 8,436 in total
Genre: romance/drama, little bit of angst in parts
Ships: L/J
Status: Chaptered, Complete
Summary: Lily is offered the chance to escape Potter's attentions forever.  But freedom from Potter's not all it's cracked up to be, and Lily doesn't really know what to do about that.

2) All Tied Up
Rating: G
Word count:
Genre: romance/humor; little bit of angst in parts
Ships: L/J
Status: WIP
Summary: Now that she's finally figured out what she wants, Lily's hoping for a more permanent arrangement.

Sequel to The Price of Freedom.

Seasonal Suffering Arc

Antithesis (on temporary hiatus. Posted HERE)
Rating: PG
Word count:
Genre: Humor/Romance (AU -- it splits from canon timeline after OoTP)
Ships: H/G
Status: WIP
Summary: There was once a time when it could be said that Ginny was a little infatuated with Harry Potter. Just a little. But not anymore. Ginny was so not in love with any raven-haired boys, no matter how hard it was to stop thinking about him... SS Prequel

Brotherly Love
Rating: G
Word Count: 1,333
Genre: Gen
Ships: H/G, but not the main focus
Status: Complete
Summary: SS side fic. In the face of a thunderstorm, a protective older brother must learn that all little sisters eventually grow up. Just a sweet sibling moment. One-shot.

Seasonal Suffering
Rating: PG
Word Count: 58,580
Genre: Humor/romance (AU -- it splits from canon timeline after OoTP)
Ships: R/Hr, H/G on the side
Status: Complete
Summary: Features secret agent Hermione (theme song included!), semi-psychotic Ginny, smugly smirking Harry, Quidditch kit Ron, snowball fights, breaking and entering, presents, stolen clothes, owl poop, broken platters and a truly spectacular hexing of Malfoy.

Cops & Robbers Arc

To Catch a Thief
Rating: G
Word count: 1,840
Genre: romance/drama, little bit of angst in parts
Ships: L/J
Status: Complete
Summary: Auror James Potter has been chasing the notorious thief known as "The Botanist" for the past three years.  Just when he thinks he has finally caught her, James discovers that the object of his obsession may be the girl of his dreams.


Second Chances and First Tries
Rating: G
Word Count: 8,507
Genre: Humor/gen
Ships: Luna/Snape Gen
Summary: Luna finds an injured animal, and takes it home to do what she can to heal it. (Animagus fic)

The Warmth of Summer
Rating: G
Word count: 1,232
Genre: friendship
Ships: Dean/Luna
Summary: Dean learns to paint Luna's way.

Love Is Blind and Everything's Magical
Rating G
Word count 8,715
Genre: omance/humor
Ships: Neville/Luna
Summary: After the final battle, Luna finds Neville permanently blinded by a curse.  Romance grows.

How to Rehabilitate a Death Eater
Rating: G
Word count: 8,938
Genre: Humor/Gen fic
Ships: Luna, Draco, D/G if you squint
Summary: Luna goes Floo-to-Floo caroling and stumbles into the flat of a rather unsuspecting Draco Malfoy.

How Prongs Became the Most Attractive Santa Ever Seen
(Or, If Santa Went on a Diet and had Better Looking Parents, He Might Almost Be as Incredible as James in a Santa Constume. But Probably not as Terrifying.)
Rating: G
Word count: 1,840
Genre: romance/drama, little bit of angst in parts
Ships: Lily/James
Summary: James wants to make Harry's first Christmas special. After consulting with several "experts," he comes up with the perfect way to make that happen. Or so he thinks.

This Brilliant, Imperfect Life
Rating: G
Word Count: 3,161
Genre: gen/family
Characters: Draco, Scorpius
Summary: Draco Malfoy takes his young son Christmas shopping.

Of Chainsaws and Chisels
(Or, How Harry Was Somehow Coerced Into Risking Frostbite To/Amputation Of Some Very Important Bits Because He Made Very Bad Decisions. Or Was Mental. Either One.)
Rating: G
Word Count: 2,236
Genre: gen
Characters: Harry, Luna
Summary: Whenever Luna had another of her mad ideas, it seemed as though Harry was the one always getting sucked in along with her. He really wasn’t sure how that kept happening. Yet, here he was, holding an ice pick and hoping Luna didn’t carve off something vital to his person before the frostbite had a chance to set in...

That's What Friends Are For
Rating: G
Word count: 2,439
Genre: friendship/humor
Ships: L/J
Status: Complete
Summary: After years of humiliation, dogged persistence, and unrequited love, James Potter is finally going on a date with Lily Evans. Life is perfect...right up until the other Marauders decide to crash the date.

No Need for Felix Felicis
Rating: G
Word Count: 3,174
Genre: Humor/romance
Ships: Harry/Ginny
Summary: Voldemort is dead, a summer has passed, and Harry still hasn't spoken to Ginny.  But he will.  Just as soon as he figures out where he put all that courage he has leftover from defeating the Dark Lord.  Or was it luck?

Rating: G
Word Count: 2,064
Genre: Romance/family
Ships: Ron/Hermione, minor H/G
Summary: Ron wakes before Hermione and thinks about the upcoming changes to their lives while admiring his pregnant wife.

Marriage Advice From The Black Widow
Rating: G
Word count: 2,271
Genre: family/gen
Characters: Mrs. Zabini, Blaise Zabini
Summary: Mrs. Zabini gives her son a little advice about Marriage.

A Man of Luck He Is Not
Rating: G
Word count:
Genre: romance/humor; Next Gen
Ships: Scorpius/Lily Luna
Summary: Quiet Scorpius Malfoy wins a date with the girl of his dreams...and promptly panics. He's very, very certain that the whole thing is going to be a disaster.


My various H/G drabbles can be found HERE.


Gundam Wing

Four Times Heero threatened to kill Duo, & one reminder of why he doesn't follow through
Rating: G
Word count: 84,743
Genre: friendship, humor
Characters: Heero, Duo
Status: Complete
Summary: Duo is Heero's best friend, but that doesn't mean he doesn't sometimes (often) want to kill him. Every once in awhile, though, he is reminded why he never follows through on that desire


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