I swear...

Sep 17, 2008 19:19

I mean nothing politically partisan by this post, although many of you might know that I am a fairly rabid liberal. All that aside, it sometimes astounds me how stupid people can be. My boss's trainer is generally a smart guy, late-20s, McCain/Palin supporter, which, okay, whatever...we can agree to disagree, that's fine. But my boss recounted her conversation with him on Sunday morning, paraphrased here:

Trainer: Sarah Palin was on Saturday Night Live last night! She was really funny!

Boss: Uh...are you sure? I heard Obama was going to be on, but pulled out at the last minute. I didn't hear anything about Sarah Palin being scheduled. Are you sure it wasn't Tina Fey?

Trainer: No, it was her! There was some other woman playing Hilary, but Sarah was on! She was so smart and funny and hot!

Boss: Ooo-kaaay.

Monday: *sheepish text from Trainer* "I guess it really was Tina Fey"

For reals. I despair.

In his (sort of) defense, Tina Fey did a great impression, but still...
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