I really enjoyed Deathly Hallows. Favourite scene totally the listening in on Dean, Ted and co. I just love the muggleborns on the run storyline and the reference to the Dean story she never told and Dean is totally from where I live and went to my Primary school so there!
Also, Luna/Dean rocks, but Luna/Ollivander=BFF forever!
And I loved Snape's memories. Knowing Lily before was awesome and omg Snape is 'that awful boy'! And the muggleborness not mattering, I love you Snape!
Although was totally the death that affecting me most. and Harry's wand. But by the time I was finishing I was so exhausted I couldn't be emotional (I finished at 9 am, had some breakfast, went to a few program items, had lunch, went to the shipping in DH item, then went to one about alligences, said something about Snape and fell asleep. Next thing i remember is waking up on a couch in te cafe at about 6!)
I thought Tonks' death in particular was pointless. This might be heightened by the fact I totally missed it until Harry was all 'Fred, and Lupin and Tonks' WTF!
Percy is awesome.
And there was still that humour which totally gets me despite it's lameless 'Saintlike - you know, holey!' I wanted to see how he dealt.
Draco was adorable.
I could say lots more, but I have not slept much since Tuesday night and doubt this makes much sense but first I must comment on the epilogue.
First of all, I first read the Harry Potter books in very late '98 or early '99(read CoS first, in fact). I was totally obsessed with them, read and re-read them so many times. And when OotP came out in 2004, I entered the fandom. However, I know that had I not become a part of fandom, that epilogue would have owned me! and in a way it did. Ginny/Harry would always have annoyed me, but it's barely even there.
I did join fandom though of course. Hell, I've even at some point become a H/D shipper.
And because of that, this epilogue owned me! There is so much scope there if you chose to stick with it. and AS/S wins at life. I know I am practically alone in liking the epilogue, despite it's badly writtenness, but I do.
Also, did no one else figure out the theif was the guy in the photo with Dumbles? Though I did not guess who it was. and OMG Dumbledore's family!
Anyway, I have read two fics and the are both awesome in different ways firstly:
Title: I Have No Daughter
a_t_rainRating: G
Warnings: Spoilers for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Summary and Notes: Hermione's mother is furious about the measures her daughter took to ensure her parents' safety during the war.
This has Hermione's mother down. and went into something that really bothered me in the book. The
femgenficathon is awesome.
Title: Indomitable
furiosityGenre: Romance
Rating: Light R
Pairing: Harry/Draco; Harry/Ginny; Albus Severus/Scorpius
Warning(s): HP:DH spoilers. Non-linear narrative.
Summary: Nineteen years later, life goes on.
This is just awesome. Like woah.
P.S. Sectus rocked.