Title: "You're Good Enough for Me."
Author: dora_1051
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: This didn't happen. Only Paul knows what really did happen between these two.
A/N- I've finally delurked myself after about a year, and this is my first attempt at J/P fanfiction so, uh, go easy on me *cuteface*. It's very short but i'm too nervous to post a longer one. I have more ideas and half written fics to get finished and posted, so you'll all be hearing more from me yay. Hope you enjoy.
“She’s so fucking frustrating Paul!”
“I know john,” Paul says mid yawn.
“The guitar will never get you anywhere john! You should study more John! John, John, John, John! What does she know anyway? Eh?” John shouts angrily.
They continued walking for a few minutes, John seething and muttering curses underneath is breath. Paul knew that in these moments the most sensible thing to do was to keep quiet and let john work his anger out alone. Paul lost himself in his thought for the rest of the walk, wishing that he was back in his warm bed instead of out in the freezing cold Liverpool air at 3AM. John used the last remnants of his frustration in kicking a nearby bin.
“Ow! Bloody hell!”
The energy seemed to drain from John as he trudged his way up the grassy bank leading to Allerton golf course, and sank to the soft floor. He flopped backwards on the bank and lay very still. Paul trod over to him and gingerly lay himself down beside john.
“I’m just not good enough for her … a bloody disappointment … not good enough for anybody.” John muttered in a defeated tone.
“You’re good enough for me john.”
John turns his head slowly, hair falling into his face from his dishevelled DA.
“Thanks Paulie,” he murmurs.
John leans up on his elbow and stares down at Paul for a split second before his lips descend on Paul’s cheek, he pulls back abruptly and Paul can make out a pink tinge to John’s face. John continues to stare down at him, eyes dancing over Paul’s face, eyes pleading for Paul to understand. He coughs awkwardly and Paul laughs. John looks momentarily surprised before he starts to giggle along with him. John lies back down beside Paul and they continue to giggle under the night sky.