So tired

Jan 12, 2007 22:44

Work today was particularly draining. Don't know why, but it did have the advantage of tiring me out of my early morning grumpiness. Often we will work through lunch etc. because when your job effectively involves taking over other people's working space when they want to use it, you like to get out of their hair as quickly as possible. I'm mostly used to it now but our new trainee was a bit shocked, I think. Still it was only 4.5 hours of moving, crouching, reaching, writing, concentrating and carrying moderate loads. Not even wearing a lead apron. I'll chalk it up to it being a Friday.

I've also been asked to arrange some more training, so I'm desperately leafing through my "promoting active learning" notes to see what I can do to make things more interesting and memorable. Unfortunately, I don't have quite the lead time that I did for last year's course, but I have asked a few more people to 'guest lecture'. It's a great feeling not to have to do everything oneself.
  • people shouldn't use stupid examples when trying to convince people to repeal laws (House of Lords Debate on Equality legislation). I did like the amusing follow-up by Reverend Dr Giles Fraser - Vicar of Putney - on Thought for the Day: "many [conservative Christians] may believe gluttony is a sin, but they haven't been campaigning for Christian waiters to have the right to refuse fat people extra chips on moral grounds"
  • does anyone think that this legislation could be applied to websites like
  • East Midlands Tonight need to think through their priorities if a story about a dog almost being seriously injured by another dog is the headline BEFORE a woman being stabbed to death by her boyfriend who then killed himself
  • it's really annoying when takes it upon itself MID-TRANSACTION to decide that you've probably fallen for a phishing scam and changes your password, asks you for further confirmation of your credit card number and billing postcode, and only emails you half an hour later to tell you that this is why your account suddenly stopped working and then the next day you realise that .com and share the same account details and you can't quite remember what you changed your password to and it's all irritating and inconvenient
  • there was something else but I've got tired again and now my head hurts too
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