Fellow city in habitants, friends. Thank you for allowing me the chance to share with you a personal and considerably difficult decision of mine.
I no longer wish to escape from this city.
Relavant to your interests or not, this is my decision. And for a bit of honesty, it's because I fear the hell that surely awaits me, along with my father and siblings, beyond this realm.
I've always felt the harsh burden of being a Zabi son...Though I've never been ashamed of my name. Until now.
Casval Deiku-- no, Char Aznable, was more than a good friend of mine. "You were a good friend, but your father is to blame," he said, and laughed as my carrier was bombarded by Federation canonfire. Those were his last words to me.
And now I think back to his father's funeral... the funeral of Zeon Zum Deikun all those years ago... Our familes in lines, facing each other. Standing at attention. We were both nine years old. Our eyes met briefly and I smiled at him.
He must have hated me since then.
ooc: after
some prompting from Integra, who he really admires, Garma went and did the fountain thing. Long story short, he saw the deaths of his father and all his siblings. He also learned of a few of the war atrocities they committed during the Zeon War of Independance which, in the end.. was unsuccessful. most importantly learned why his BFF Betrayed him and set him up for death =P Only able to stomach that much "reality," he suddenly felt sick and rush back indoors. Everything past the battle of A Baoa Qu is still unknown.
second note: all this considered, Garma doesn't emo. He's an impulsive, reactionary n00b, hence the almost immediate statement, but he doesn't withdraw from "life" or posting, jus sayin.]