Dec 23, 2009 00:13
Saw The Princess and the Frog with Amy and Lindsay! No spoilers in this, don't worry. I looooooved it! Not gonna lie, it was my kinda Disney movie. The animation was so creative and well done! (That's what sells me every time) The story was so sweet. The characters were so lovable, except Lawrence. I actually found Dr. Faucilier to be very interesting. I loved Tiana AND Naveen. I loved the relationships in the movie, and I loved how Tiana learned a really important lesson by the end, to dream your dreams but not to forget what's most important - love and family. And OMG Lottie you crack me up. XD I actually really liked the firefly, I thought he was really endearing. The story was nothing like what I expected, I though it was just as creative as the animation, and it was nice because it was very human. Like I said before, very sweet. :) The music wasn't super-duper impressive, but it definitely wasn't bad as well, by any means. Yep, I think I found another Disney favorite!
(Side note: It really amused me that Fenner's were in this - that's a variation on my last name. X) Too bad they were mean and sexist, lol. But what could you expect? Men.)