Jun 04, 2006 03:56

Hello all. It has been quite a while since my last post, but don't worry, you didn't miss out on much. So, Friday was loads of fun. Took my bike and went down to Sasha's house. There we kind of milled around and waited until it was time to go to the Jacobs'. We rode our dandy little bikes over to their house and had some delicious mac und cheese. After dinner, we sat for hours and listened to a wide varety of delicious Irish and Scottish traditional (and other) folk bands. After all that fun, Sasha recorded teh Jacobs singing the Mingulay Boat Song and Parting Glass. We then rode our dandy little bikes back to Sasha's and talked for a bit before retiring for the night. I awoke in the morning to find that not only had Sasha already departed for her testing, but it was almost time for her to be done. I was instructed by Vivi to wait for Sasha's call. Finally it came and we headed out to retrieve t3h 545h4. After a long while of sitting around listening to music, Libby called and said that she was on her way. Two hours later she shows up, but not on the right street. Well... anyways. We head out and get to their steaming apartment and we get settled for a bit. After a little while, we headed off to Todd's house for a night of sausage and socializing. After a bit of wrestling (excellent!!) we all settled down and ate some food. After some mroe socializing and very rude outbursts (sorry!) we decided to play a psychotically genius nightmare game called "Little Fear(?)". It is a game about the Boogey Man really existing and all of the worlds nightmarish characters coming to life (in the form of Libby). We played this game for at least five hours before Todd decided to "drop rocks on the party". My imagination made this game feel so real and scary that when interacting with Todd (playing the part of a scary mother fucker[envy]) I got scared and yelped. It was a very entertaining and intense game (even though poor Sasha fell asleep). It is now 4:13 and I am not tired at all. Even with all of the excitment and entertainment and grief, it is alright to say that I am not in the slightest bit tired.

I will, thought, try to fall asleep here on the floor. It is actually rather tempting (even though the psychotic six foot armed demon under the bed will eat my soul.

Well, whatever.

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