Today is the last chance for anyone who might be considering signing up for NaNoWriMo. C'mon you hosers, join me -- it's going to be fun! At 1,167 words a day, I figure it boils down to around 2+ hours writing/day. It doesn't mean you think you're a genius or anything -- you don't even have to show it to anybody. M'self, I'm on my third cup of coffee and am looking at a pack of unopened 3x5 cards across the room. I may just start cold tomorrow when I get home from work.
I almost blew my head off trying to light the pilot light on my wall heater this morning. Yeah. Note to friends: If you're going to be dumb, be dumb slowly -- don't just thrust a lighter into an enclosed area filling with gas..
November 5th is the half marathon. I'm behind schedule in my training, and that is being "kind". My current plan is to run the thing anyway. I'll just do it very slowly. Nobody puts Cornbread in a corner!
There is actual fall weather out today and I am enjoying the fact that we still have something resembling an Autumn. Have a safe and fun Halloween everybody!!!