Aug 13, 2005 16:16
It's awful, what people do to eachother. Yesterday, at Kayo I got a phonecall "Hello, I was in there the other day and bought a bunch of books.. I work for a develomental assistance program and we purchased some books that turned out to be over our students learning level and we were wondering if we could return them or exchange them for something else.." Well, I have a fucking pump, so I said "Yeah, bring 'em in - we'll need some verification, but sure." He said he'd dealt with the owners numerous times before. So I'm there, dumbed down by the sunlight and the day, and a black guy in his late forties comes in with a canvass bag. The policy of the store is to hold all bags.. but for some reason, I couldn't ask him - I was worried he'd take offense.. so I rang a few people up and then he's there, at the counter.. "Oh yes, David Seiss called about me, I'm here from.." and he wants cash for books. I tried to call Ron and Maria in New York, but they weren't there.. said,
I really appreciate what you do, but I can only give you money for the lower priced books, without talking to the owners" so I gave him 39 bucks and held onto the 110 dollars of other stuff.. he gave me the sweet, grateful face... Then, at 6 o'clock, I get a call from Ron -- they are not FAMILIAR with this organiziation, they don't have any idea who this guy is.. so, I got taken. Ron and Maria inisist on not taking my $40 but I will force it upon them.. They are such wonderful, sweet people. But you know, it's not the 40 bucks, anybody can come up with that - it's the way this man infringed upon my relationship with people I hold dear - how do I restore my friends' confidence in me? How can I tell them I'm sorry? I feel so bad. I feel so stupid. It's wrong to do this to other people. Why are there people like this?