My first attempt at fic.

Jan 30, 2012 23:05

So.... moviegeek03 got me thinking about writing some fic, and so I had a look over at imogen_lily's site and found a plot bunny I just couldn't resist...

With one more season of Supernatural to go and having just come out as a couple, Jensen and Jared should be on top of the world, Jensen discovers his Jared has been coughing up blood he forces him to go to the doctor and both are devastated when Jared is diagnosed with leukaemia he knows the battle will be hard. Despite being given a 30% survival, Jared is determined to carry on as normal, but refuses to discuss his cancer with anyone - magazines, friends or family or even Jensen. Despite everyone trying to support Jared, his illness brings out their own hidden fears and insecurities. Jared struggles to try to cope with his punishing treatments, and the suffocating family and family, who are all convinced they know best for Jared. His situation is made worse by the media, desperately to capture every humiliating moment of his cancer battle - from losing his hair to Jensen having to carry him because he’s too weak to walk or holding him when he’s puking his guts up. The constant media attention and everyone’s interfering about how Jared should deal with his cancer, wares on Jared and his relationships including with Jensen begins to crumble. But just when it seems Jared is winning the battle, his cancer takes a turn for the worse, as it finally hits everyone that Jared could die…

So... here's my first attempt at any RPS fic... please tell me what you think...

As he lay awake in bed, he knew he had no choice. There was no way he would manage to get out the bed without waking Jensen anyway, so he might as well wake him now, much as he was loath to do so. He just felt like such a burden to him…
‘Jen?’ he whispered, shaking Jensen as hard as he could, which was pathetically gentle in his opinion, adding to his frustration. Luckily Jensen had always been a fairly light sleeper, even more so since Jared’s diagnosis, and quickly woke up, worry on his face.
‘Jay, you ok?’ the worry was also clear in his voice. Jared nodded, watching a fair amount of the worry melt off his boyfriend’s face.
‘I…um…need the loo?’ he replied, dropping his bare head, refusing to meet Jensen’s eyes, fiddling with the sheets, worried what he would see on the other man’s face. He felt Jensen’s hand lift his face up, and Jensen looked at him.
‘Do you want a hand Jay?’ Jared was thankful for the lack of pity on Jensen’s face; it was just straight up love and tenderness. Despite all his ranting and raving, Jensen had stuck by him, even when Jared just wanted to be left alone after chemo, Jensen would let him have his space, and then come up with a cup of tea, the only thing that would stay in his stomach.
Jared couldn’t even find the words to reply, just nodded, embarrassment clear on his face. What kind of grown man can’t even get out of bed, let alone walk the few metres to the bathroom by themselves?
Jensen smiled gently, walking round to the other side of the bed to stand opposite his boyfriend, while the boyfriend in question slowly sat himself on the edge of the bed. Despite the bald head, the drastic weight loss, and the central line poking out the top of his sleep top, he had never been more in love with his ‘tall Texan toyboy’ as people lovingly referred to Jared.
‘Do you think you can walk?’ he said bending down to look at Jared’s face, bringing a hand up to stroke his cheek, he knew he had to let Jared make his own decisions, much as he wanted to just sweep him up into his arms and never let him go. The worrying thing was that he could actually do that now, even with the height Jared had on him, due to all the weight Jared had lost.
Jared looked up at Jensen and nodded determinedly, ‘I think so,’ he said, while gently and carefully pushing himself up off the bed. Jensen placed his hand on Jared’s back; letting him know that he was there if he needed him, ready to give a gentle push if necessary. One of the major symptoms of the cancer was bone and joint pain, made all the worst by the chemotherapy, meaning that Jared struggled to do some of the most menial tasks, such as getting out of bed.
Jared managed to stand up without any help from Jensen, and neither of them could fight the small smiles on both their faces. Putting his arm around Jared, the pair slowly walked towards the bathroom, turning the light on as they walked in. Jensen left Jared to do his business, keeping the door open just a bit in case anything were to happen, and quickly grabbed the spare pillow from the cupboard, he had a feeling Jared was going to need it. Once he heard the toilet flush he went back into the bathroom to get Jared, asking if he needed any of his pain meds and then gently guided him back to the bed, Jared’s eyes already starting to droop shut.
Once Jared was back on the bed, Jensen tucked him back under the covers making sure he wasn’t lying on his central line and kissed his forehead.
‘Goodnight Jared, I love you’
And as he got himself into bed, he could just make out the reply, ‘I love you too.’

C x

kill me now, rps, fml, moviegeek03 may be my saviour, omg i'm scared, dopeyangel101 attempts to write..., fic

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