Jan 07, 2009 20:07
I'm freaking out right now.
I have never had a cavity. Ever. My teeth have always been sensetive to cold, especially now that I have had my braces removed. Anyway.
Over Christmas break I ate a lot of sugary foods. Fun, right? Well, a few days ago I noticed that one of my teeth hurt a little whenever I ate something sugary or drank pop. I immediately started using Sensodyne again (you're not supposed to use it for more than two weeks, so I discontinued and started using Crest for a while) and it helped. But now that I inspected that tooth, I see that there is a really tiny scratch across the surface of the tooth.
I HAVE NEVER GOTTEN A CAVITY. Even in the summer when I would go to bed without brushing and then brush my teeth in the morning and they were fine when I went to the dentist. (Bad habit, I know) But now... WUT IS HAPPENING.
I'm reading about tooth scratches right now and it says that brushing too hard could scratch the enamel... I think I should probably wait a few weeks, keep an eye on my tooth and pray that it gets better. If it does get worse or if it doesn't heal (I'm totally going to stop eating sugar) then I'll go to the dentist.