Jun 29, 2004 10:50
Yesterday actually turned out really well, against my expectations.
The tow truck dude was a good guy, and we both saved some money with an "all-cash-no-tax" agreement. The garage was able to fix my clutch for less than $300, which is about 1/3 of what I was expecting to pay. Also, they had it finished by 5pm, which means I was able to drive out to the west end for my sailing lesson, instead of having to bike for 45 minutes or figure out the magic combination of buses to get me there in less than 3 hours.
The thunderstorms held off and the wind was up, so the sailing was fantastic (Yes, I know it's terribly bourgeois, but it's my training for a better career: seafaring bum). I also finally got around to filing an income tax amendment to fix the mistake I made in claiming capital gains on the stock I sold. (Alright, so I'm fucking bourgeois. Back off. At least I vote NDP.)
And speaking of the NDP, my man Ed rocked Ottawa Centre last night! I told Juanita to let the children stay up to watch his victory speech, and I had a glass of 18 year old Highland neat to celebrate. Melanie was already asleep, poor thing, the pills she takes put her right out by 8:30. So I hopped in the beamer, drove down Dalhousie, and picked up a coloured girl to suck me off.