Seriously, what is wrong with this country, or at least this government? Having worked my ass off in the summer at some shaddy place to try and save up some money to pay off bills or rather keep myself out of debt. However, knowing me and the people i was around the entire summer(
Only, they're not ravers and they hopefully don't go around sweating around the stomach area. What's up with the girl far to the left? She's trying to get her face in at the last moment. She seems like the type of person that is only invited along becuase she 1) drives 2) operates an automobile 3) rides a car. Purly hated by her "friends") Anyway, what was supposed to be me working hard
(Aww look at me. Working so hard at my work place) Now, what REALLY happened was i turned into a maddog and went all out with booze and food and random trips to T.O and cottages. I went from good working person to
(A CRAZY GUY!) I made about 2.5K(Ya, work really screwed me over) and i spent about 1.5K. I am now in debt for 1.3K. Ok, i'm not here to bitch about my problems like those fukcing girls on Sex and the city or Sex on top of the City or Sex with the empire state building. I'm here to bitch about OSAP. I applied, expecting to get a usual amount of bum-fuck 500$. Anything to help me out.
NOPE! WRONG! PLAY AGAIN! I got denied because my Dad makes too much. I know for a fact that he makes a decent amount, but not over the limit. Steaming with hatred, i took the 95 home and i overheard some people talking about how they got 10K+ for their OSAP. Now, i'm talking about Mohammad Jafar-Abdul Aladdin. Then, 10 minutes later, these 2 fucking club sluts(
) get on the bus and say how they're going to spend 3K of their OSAP on booze and clubbing. She later went on to state that she gets home to Orleans at around 5AM and her dad is usually pissed. Hm, Orleans + Girl + Dad that works in the government = ABOVE THE LIMIT FOR OSAP. I get the shaft (No, I LITERALLY got the shaft. He(
) came to my place and beat me up, "WHAT YOU THINKING ABOUT, CRACKA?"). It pisses me off how i have to pay for everything now and i get no help at all. "HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN TO ME????" Damnit, now i'm sounding like one of those emo bastards that probably slit their wrists with their parents Credit cards, because you and i both konw that emos usually come from rich families. Broken homes? Plllease, the only broken they've seen was when their sister trashed their lego castle. UGH! Anyway, i'm going to go spend my money on Vanilla Coke and a gun to shoot some holes in the cans.