Oct 18, 2006 00:05
she leaves tomorrow i spent a few hors today with her before she leaves. she's an ex a lier and cheater and damn she a good friend. weird sad but true. i love her in a differant way these days and she loves me in a differant way these days. i will miss her even though she broke my heart. she also made me very happy. we had good times here and there and had a lot of horrable times. she was the only one that loved my mom which was wierd and my mom loved her. we thought we would have never see this day were we parted ways in such a manor. she leaves for kentuky tomorrow. my heart throbs with pain my eyes tear up. i will miss you angie. for the better and worst of your travels you will forever have a part in my heart for you. my the memories we have of eachother and what we did never leave you. i know they will never leave me. angie may you have found your true love and never leave. i love you in a diufferant way these days. hug and a kiss on the cheek. forever a friend phat matt.