(no subject)

Jul 20, 2010 02:18

sometimes I'm really astonished how someone can be that stupid.

My neighbor, which is also my cousin, isn't a bad guy at all. But he's totally dumb from time to time. But this time in an extremly dangerous way.

He light the fire for his goddamn barbecue-grill thing like, 2 meters away from his chopped wood deposit-place. Which is exactly between his and my house.

For God's sake, that's a extremly idiotic thing to do among all other stupid things to do. If something goes wrong, we're all fucked up big time, do you know that you asshole??

The main problem is that he just can't get how much stupid his action was! He said that we just overreacted when we told him to stop! I've restrained myself to kill him back there, seriously.

if he does something like this another time I don't know how I'll react anyway...I'll probably call the police or something...I don't really care if he's family or not...crap, I hate these kind of situation =.=

I'll crash to bed for today, for the better.
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