(no subject)

Jun 27, 2006 21:37

I read on cnn.com that people have fewer close friends than they did 20 years ago. Interesting.

I also read that J.K. Rowling might kill off Harry Potter. She best not. It woudl undermine the entire series. Or atleast, that is my humble opinion.

I almost feel sorry for her; I mean, how would it feel to produce this wonderful work, considered a classic, and then never be able to write another thing ever? Harper Lee never wrote anything except To Kill a Mockingbird, for example. No matter what you wrote, it would always be compared to your greatest work. And no matter how great it is, it would never be as good. People are so noisy these days; they would make huge fuss over Rowling's other novels. And of course, they would turn her into some sort of villian for not cranking out books as good as H.P. If I were Rowling, I would assume a....shit, what is it called...plum de nom? I can't see how she handles the world holding it's breath for the final H.P. Tooo.....much.......pressure. Aak!

In more recent news, Rory was fired yesterday. I must say, NOBODY was sad to see him leave. He was an asshole, pure and simple. In fact, until today I was unaware of how much of an asshole Rory was. Shireen's husband labeled him as a misogynist after meeting Rory. He said Rory was inconsiderate enough to double-dip the chicken wing appetizers with everyone at the table. After thinking about it, Rory does fit the stereotype woman hater in my head. At any rate, it's good not to feel irritated at lunch. (I dreaded going to lunch, since everyone at work eats together, since I would have to make conversation or entertain conversation with Rory). It always seemed Rory was trying to establish some incredible length of manhood. He talked about how much his damn paintball gun cost, about his new driver (when he asked about my handicap, and I answered, he shut up real quick about his, the asshole), about his expensive tools, and about his expensive car. He talked about how high he scored on the GRE. He talked about what a great employee he was at his last job, what a bitch his manger was, and how he got 7 week severance pay when he quit (unlikely; either that he got paid or that he quit). At any rate, no more asshole at work. No more stress. Yay!


I slept like shit last night. Through some combination of being hot and waking up with a headache, I awoke grumpy this morning.

Now, time to reward myself by getting high......I mean, reading.
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