Stop it Hollywood

May 19, 2009 16:41

So. This.


Don't get me wrong, I love films. It just makes me sad that we are reduced to remaking films that are barely a decade or so old. Aren't there any people working in LA that have a semi-original thought in their head? I also want them to stay away from my childhood.  >: (    I'm so torn between flat out hatred and wary excitement over Where the Wild Things Are.  Just, there are some things that should remain slightly sacred. I'm just a teeny bit of a bibliophile, so a lot of literature, especially Children's Literature falls into a "No-Fly Zone" as far as being turned in to films.  *sigh*

Any feel remotely the same or am I just being really crank and picky today?  >__<

blah blah blah, film stuff, thoughts, books

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