And thus concludes the college years

Jun 08, 2008 22:41

Brandon comes out with flying colors. Victorious but not unscathed. I finished all my projects and got decent grades to boot. I was hugely dissapointed though for a while and even doubted all my value of all my struggles here at SFSU when neither Tazer nor Zombie Feast made it past Film Previews and into Film Finals. I was literally crushed just like the day I wasn't cast for the school play in high school. I later blamed the system and criticized the graduate films for taking my places in the cinema department's final film festival. Why can't they have their own grad festival? How can I compete with that. This bites even more when many people agree with me that my films were better. I must be before my time.

Graduation came like a storm, and left like a drizzle. I got a good look at my graduating cinema class. I knew them all but I was unsure of all of all of our futures. Life is scary. This whole time I was thinking about my distant goal, graduation. And now that I was there, the rewards seemed empty and the void was filled by fear and uncertainty. At least Gavin Newsom's speech at our grad ceremony was entertaining.

Well, this is it. I suppose this should be my last entry. A closing statement with an open ending, because this story is far from over.

I started this LJ as a way to keep in touch with my high school friends during our college years. Most have faded away from this website and from my actual life. I still cherish their memory and their support for me over the years, and this is not to say that I will never see them again in this immensely deep chronicle of life. But for those of you still with me today, thank you. I would not be the man I am today without your love and support. And with your continued encouragement I will continue to look toward the uncertain future with a bold determination.

My heart is also settled. I came home to Turlock for a week vacation. And I met Christina, whom I hadn't seen for who knows how long. And we had a really nice time together, and that's all. We watched movies and talked about nothing in particular.

So, farewell. I will see you again.
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