OK, for those who don't know, I have two younger brothers: Andrew (14) and Matthew (11). Matt is pretty cool most of the time, but Andrew is the biggest fucking asshole I have ever known, but the thing I hate most is how he put's on his "my family are a bunch of dumbasses" attitude outside the house, and he presents himself this way to other people. He acts all obnoxious towards my parents when HE does something wrong, which is his favorite hobby next to skateboarding.
Apparently, he knows nothing about computers either. Whenever something happens that he doesn't understand (which is often), he just tries to find the fastest way out of it so he can go back to playing his skateboard game. This is how Roxio CD Maker got wiped from the computer (so if anyone can hook me up with that, please talk to me). He also loves bullying Matt around and ordering him to do things for him, as well as just treating us all like shit. About the Roxio thing, I tried all day to write up a mix today with other programs, but nothing worked, so I'm really pissed at him now.
Has anyone noticed that Fletcher Hayden looks like a zombified version of Roger Daltrey with a buzz cut?
http://www.bigtandtheoaktones.com Follow the link above, then
1. click "I want your sex pootie" - the song
2. click on "1. i want your sex pootie"
Have fun!!!