May 25, 2006 19:02
1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions, possibly creepy/personal.
3. You WILL update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
1. How do you think other people look at you, and do you think that they are correct in their assumptions?
I think i change a lot around various people, and don't buy into some things that certain people do/say for attention rather than actually being intelligent or witty. i think many people think i'm somewhat loud and pushy about my opinions, while others think i'm shy or perhaps not showing my true colors at all times. i guess everyone's right, in a way, if that's how i'm percieved that's how i am to the world... but i think few people really understand exaactly who i am.
2. Do you prefer directing over acting?
i was actually just thinking about that today, funny that you ask. both have their merits. i haven't acted in a while, but i think i could really get into it given the right role. on the other hand, i do like telling people what to do and might feel dissatisfied acting, as though it's not enough of a challenge or unproductive.
3. Stuck in the past, living each day or thinking about the future?
thinking about the future, stuck in the now i know, not the real now.
4. What do you think you'll be doing after college?
whatever it is people do after college.
5. Do you believe in aliens/bigfoot/the loch ness monster?
the only legend i believe in is.... um.... no.