This was my first year participating in Yuletide - though I've beta-ed Yuletide stories in the past and, on one memorable occasion, saved Christmas - and I'm so glad I did it! Because I wrote a story in a fandom I've been meaning to write for ages, and I got *two* shiny stories in fandoms that deserve more fic.
My official story is
To the Gates, for Lois Bujold's Curse of Chalion. I asked for something about the friendship and connection between Caz and Palli before the events of the book, and this story hits that perfectly. I love getting an outside perspective on Caz, and just getting to see more of the history the guys share. It's actually been a couple years since I read the book, and this definitely made me want to pick it up again so I can incorporate it into my personal canon.
I also got a treat, in the form of
Never a Quiet Day When You Need One. You guys, it's Eureka fic! Moreover, it's Carter/Fargo (Fargo so has a crush on Jack, and no one can convince me otherwise), which I had put as an option in my request without really expecting anyone to seriously take it on. But someone did, and it's really adorable!
In conclusion, hooray for Yuletide!