I'm maybe a little too happy about this...
Discworld: Which Ankh-Morpork City Watch Character are YOU? brought to you by
Quizilla I think the quiz sensed my deep and abiding love for Samuel Vimes.
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Last year on February 27th I wrote
a poem about cesium. I remember writing the poem in the margins of my Latin notes, with a blank space in the fifth stanza because I don't know the periodic table by heart. I had to google cesium to find out its atomic weight, and that's how I found the Songs of Cesium website.
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I talked Pam into playing Scrabble with me tonight. See if you can sense a theme in the first five words: randy, sweat, probe, bongos, hot. After that we sort of lost the mojo. Though I did get 28 points for 'buxom.' I'm quite proud of that one.
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Thoughts on this week's shows (in brief):
This is why I put up with the pain that is Smallville:
Clark, in reference to the zombie MotW: "He seemed perfectly fine, until he started bleeding from the eyes."
The line itself is just absurd, but Welling's earnest delivery pushed me over the edge. I laughed through the rest of the scene. Nej made me leave the room. It was the best thing ever.
Fred's death didn't get to me the way it got to some people. I felt sort of removed from the action - I spent most of the episode thinking about Joss' choices in characterization and directing, rather than getting into the action with the characters. It was a good episode, and the season could be headed in interesting directions with blue-haired Fred/Illyria and all, but it wasn't as satisfying as I'd hoped.
Um... it was a good effort? There were some interesting ideas there, but I wanted them to be dealt with differently. I wanted more parallels between Daniel and Kefler, and I wanted Daniel to at least be tempted to zap Anna and wake up the goa'uld for info about the bomb. The whole 'oh, the combination's in her sketches!' thing was just too easy. I think this is why the show suffers when Jack isn't in the picture - the opposition between him and Daniel keeps things interesting and complicated. Without his input we're just working toward one goal with no moral dilemma to spice things up.
That said, I thought AT did a good job with the direction. It wasn't too flashy or anything, but every once in a while I'd notice some nice framing, or a cool pan and go, "Good one, Amanda." Because she and I are apparently on a first name basis. In fact, her first name is my middle name, but that's really neither here nor there.
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And lastly, a wonky little SG snippet with very little grounding in reality, inspired by Futurama of all things...
Jack sings in the shower. Not all the time, but often enough that it's sort of a running joke with the team.
The mission went well - no bullet wounds, no staff weapon burns, no broken bones, only minimal bruising - which means conditions are ripe for a serenade. On the way from the elevator to the locker room Sam starts taking bets.
"'Oh Susannah,'" she says quietly, dropping behind Teal'c and Daniel, making sure the Colonel's out of earshot. "He had that folk-song look, coming back through the gate."
"What is your wager, Major Carter?" Teal'c intones. Jack casts a curious look back at them. Sam smiles sweetly and waves, slowing her pace further as soon as he looks ahead again.
"Ten on Susannah, ten on something folksy."
"Very well." Teal'c tilts his head and murmurs, "'I Want to Hold Your Hand.'"
"Ten on Hold Your Hand, ten on the Beatles?" Sam asks. Teal'c inclines his head in confirmation, before striding ahead to distract O'Neill's attention. "Daniel?"
Daniel hmms in concentration, squinting at the back of Jack's head, trying to read the track listing of his brain. Sam jostles his elbow; down the hall Jack's holding the door to the locker room open for Teal'c.
"Time's up," Sam prompts him.
"'Walkin' on Sunshine.'" Daniel states resolutely. "Twenty."
"Got it," Sam nods. Daniel rarely hedges his bets with genre, and Sam's learned not to question it. He wins the pot 43% of the time. Sam's done the math.
Sam follows Daniel into the locker portion of the locker room and wishes him luck as he continues on toward the showers.
"You too," Daniel answers. "I'll tell Jack to hurry up."
"Thanks," Sam smiles, shedding her jacket and sitting down on the bench to loosen her boots. She cocks her head to line up her hearing with the vent to the shower room. Daniel's voice drifts in. "Sam says not to use up all the hot water." Jack's answer isn't clear. Sam's brain supplies an answer along the lines of "Yeah, yeah," and keeps listening for telltale humming. The odds may tend in Daniel's favor, but Sam trusts her instincts. She knows how the Colonel looks when he's on a folk song kick. Last time she called "Clementine" on the basis of that look and used her winnings to take the guys to dinner. This time around she figures she can spend it on herself.
note: The layout for the locker room is sort of an amalgamation of what I recall from Broca Divide and Urgo. I guess we saw the locker room in Legacy too, but I can't really remember how it meshed with the other two. Yet another location to put on my research list, along with Jack's house and Daniel's condo (pre-S6, of course).