my goodness i love this episode. i was singing hermes' bureaucracy song the other day at work. in the binder trailer, of course, not in front of the customers. mustn't betray any weakness, lest they gang up on me and rend me limb from limb.
"in fact, severely reduced pay all around!"
hmm. i seem to be scheduled to open tomorrow morning. no way i'm getting my full 8 hours tonight, so i might as well stay up blabbering about nothing, right?
classes seem to be picking up a little. i'm nostalgic for last winter quarter, with the latin poetry and my beloved stoppard seminar. nothing i'm taking right now grabs me as much at horace & tom did last year.
shakespeare's middle works should be interesting enough; of the five plays we're studying i've only read one, hamlet, and even that was back in... ninth grade? damn. well, i've seen several film versions since then. but all the other plays (as you like it, twelfth night, measure for measure, and othello) are new to me. excitement.
the intro to wine-making class fulfills a science g.e. (i checked really well this time. friggin' social sci classes....) so assuming i pass i'll only have one more science to take spring quarter. i'm taking the class with L, so when things get boring i'll have someone to quote singin' in the rain at to keep from falling asleep. though her presence also means i can't write slash during boring lectures... curses.
the only class i'm really worried about is the journalism class. it meets a requirement for my major (since i somehow failed the english comp exam...) so i rather need it to graduate. the prof has chosen to focus on magazine writing, and i know it'll be a good practical experience for me, but i was so hoping i wouldn't have to do anything practical until after graduation. just five more months of denial, that's all i ask! yeah, maybe not the best strategy. *sigh* stupid real world....
and speaking of denial... here's
evolution p.2 - had to do a 2-minute recap of part 1 for nej. i love doing tag-team stargate explanations with gwen - she handles big picture/plot stuff and i jump in for character bits (i.e. jack/daniel moments, funny teal'c bits, cool tech-y carter bits, etc.). i enjoyed the episode immensely - lots of yelling at the screen, lots of clutching gwen's arm when daniel was running from the zombies and when sam got smacked by the supersoldier. it's good to have a fun Friday show again - we were just getting into the swing of firefly fridays last year when it got cancelled.
Saturday: gave blood on Saturday morning, so i had orders to sit around and do nothing. took full advantage of that order by dubbing up my backlog of sg.
deadman switch - not the greatest episode ever, but i dug the j/d bickering. i even made a little annotation in my stargate episode guide that says just that. (yes, i annotate. little notes about j/d content, carter hotness, teal'c hat-wearing... yes, i have way too much time on my hands.)
demons - so this is where those shots of jack & daniel in chains come from! it's kind of trippy to watch an episode and recognize certain shots from people's lj icons. i liked the episode pretty well, though i missed most of the chained-up stuff & the 'testing of teal'c' scenes due to a mandatory test taking over the cable. i managed to piece it together, though.
shadowplay - another 3 season jump. we all know how i feel about a tenuous grasp on canon, right? um.. all i really remember from this one is the pineapple in jonas's office and that his mentor was that guy from quantum leap. pam and i spent most of the episode trying to remember the premise of the show. we were not entirely successful.
2010 - this we watched after indiana jones and the last crusade and half of the first tomb raider movie (which prompted me to look back at the hillary/bryce story i started in the summer. maybe i'll post it sometime when i'm feeling a particular need to publicly humiliate myself.) uh... basically i handed pam the season 4 dvds (precious...) and gave brief summaries of the episodes. like, very brief. she asked about this ep. and i said "it's the future and daniel's hot." good enough for pam, apparently. she got quite a kick out of mountain man jack and his log cabin. there may have been some singing of the lumberjack song. which, of course, got us onto the topic of jack in women's clothing. fun was had, but i always forget how sad the final scene makes me. everyone's so damn noble all struggling toward the gate and giving their lives to save the human race. *sniff*
don't think i watched any stargate on sunday... or, on, actually i watched part of the 2 am rerun of shadowplay. but i didn't really pay attention!
and today i watched bits of forever in a day and past and present. i was also reading for my journalism class at the time, though, so i didn't pay much attention. i figure i'll get pam or nej to hang out with me on saturday for a mini-dub-a-thon.