so, this is how it goes: i started writing this in my head the other day on the bus, then today before latin i managed to get it down on paper. it's... odd. and inspired by one of
redsouffle's away messages.
she swims through seas of cesium
though she only asked a pound
a chemist's prayer
too fully answered
she wakes in a world without cesium
a cold and lonely place
her favorite element
abandoned and unknown
she searches far and wide
in cluttered labs, in dank backrooms
supply cabinets mock her
devoid of precious metal
perhaps cesium is not a thing,
she muses, but a place
not an element
but a feeling
she's wrong and right
she feels the 55th element
in her heart, embraces it
in her dreams
she lives in a cesium world
each day of her life
hmm. i just now discovered that the aforementioned away message comes from the 'songs of cesium' website. i'd always assumed she wrote the happy little ditty herself. i'm strangely disappointed...
but i'll get over it! because it's still amusing, dang it!