Standards: The New Standard

Apr 24, 2008 19:20


Seriously WTF.

One of the things they tell you when training for the marathon is that when you run, your pace should be at a point where you can hold a conversation without gasping for dear life. So it's a good time to shoot the shit with people. My running buddy "Vanessa" was telling me about her new boy situation. I'm always curious as to what chicks dig in guys, especially when the girl is reasonably attractive. Because I can be shallow and superficial but completely capable of loving the most - unattractive - yet, really cool person, I'm always curious to see what it is that draws the attention of hawt and sexy mamas.

So what was the draw?

He was nice. Respectful. Kind. Courteous. Blah blah WTF.

I just had this conversation with someone else and it's really starting to make me think.

You chicks seriously don't have standards.

Tell me. How is being nice, respectful, kind and courteous a thing to look for?

It should be a requirement, a standard, a given, a pre-requisite, I mean how many times do I have to explain it?

It's like buying a car because it came with tires.

It's supposed to come with tires!

And seriously, guys. Are you really that fuckin stupid? Who the hell raised you so poorly that you can't be kind, courteous and respectful to a lady. Just because you and your bafoon platoon yuck it up bro style you imagine that treating girls like shit is the only way to maintain your masculinity. Mind your manners you dumb cocks, ya know what, never mind. Sharing this information might actually help you get chicks and we don't need more douchebags taking from our lot. Wait, scratch that, keep the dumb broads, we don't want 'em.

drama, girls are stupid, girls

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