Sep 21, 2006 08:01
Freewillastrology saggitarius:
According to the esoteric spiritual tradition of Western hermeticism, you have a personal Holy Guardian Angel who's always ready to give you help, as well as to lovingly kick your ass. Modern scientists snort derisively at this notion. They're fundamentalist materialists, denying the possibility that something can exist if it's not perceptible by our five senses or by instruments that humans have invented. If your temperament and training align you with the scientists' ideology, I'll ask you to temporarily suspend your skepticism so that you might join other Sagittarians in trying the following experiment: Act as if you have a personal Holy Guardian Angel whose job it is to help you lose your illusions, liberate you from suffering, and make you smarter. What clarifying questions will you ask the HGA? What precise assistance will you request?
tell me what will make me happy, because apparently I always get it wrong.
sometimes get it wrong.
ordering many books online and reading the onion (at work) makes me happy.
Buying a new car makes me very happy! (2001 acura.... it has leather and a sunroof.)
I guess just working in a mindless job that I am over-qualified for makes me unhappy. and again, of course, this is something that I have complete control over.
So many excuses, so many doubts.
I need you, Holy Guardian Angel