Aug 01, 2006 14:49
feeling better today. Talked to my parents yesterday and had a breakdone on the phone with my mother. I threatened leaving, threatened myself more than anyone else, but she gave me some good motherly advice: "It could be much worse. In fact, you have it great down there. Get over this hump, and get on with life." My mother and I have a very tactful relationship. She gives it to me straight, which is what I need a lot of the time. My father is more of the cheerleader, and so he pursuaded me to go up to PA for a few days this month, to take a vacation from myself. So I'll be flying up in a couple weeks for the weekend. I'm tres excited.
I did absolutely nothing today, which is fine because it gave me time to chill, and to do yoga. (I'm still not very good, but Namaste on Fit TV is helping). So thanks to today I have loose limbs, fruity Jell-O in the fridge, clean sheets, and a little more piece of mind.
I also received my first manuscipt to edit. Upon further research, I found that American Book Publishing isn't as reputable as they led me to believe, but I figure this will be a good expereince for some pure unbiased editing, so I'll go for it. The manuscript is about mountain climbing, and the authors various adventures on various peaks. Looks intriguing, and hopefully it won't be brutal to read.
I'm off to watch HGTV and drink tea. Temp outside my window: 108. Seriously.