Last night my team completely PWNed trivia night! We won two bottles of sparkling wine from France, quite swanky if I do say so myself. I love trivia and I was able to contribute quite a few answers. My proudest moment though, was coming up with Girltalk (as the answer to What is the stage name of DJ and sampling artist Greg Gillis?) at the last possible second. Another coworker managed Jonathan Livingston Seagull to another question. The book is actually about a seagull trying to find self-perfection. I don't even....
Get ready for a horrible story. Those of you with injury squick issues, stop reading!
Ok, so this really happened to my colleague and friend A. On Saturday night she was in bed already and wanted to take out her earring. Somehow, the back of the earring ended up falling into her ear. She tried digging it out, shaking it out, everything. It was stuck fast. Yesterday after lunch I took a walk with her and another friend, C. A mentioned the fact that the earring was still stuck, and C and I both stopped and just stared at her. I immediately asked why she hadn't gone to the hospital, and she just shrugged. She then said that everything sounded echo-y and I responded, "yeah, because you're probably about to go deaf!"
After we got back to work she left immediately to go to the hospital. I thought everything was going to be ok, but then she showed up at trivia night saying the doctor couldn't get it out and she'd have to go back in the morning. What's more, when the doctor had finished prodding at her he'd said, "I'm not sure if I got it out or not"!!!!
How do you not know?! If something is stuck in the ear you know if you got it out because you either have the thing or you don't! Hospitals here really are crapshoots, it's ridiculous.
Day 15 - Put your iPod on shuffle: First 10 songs that play.
I have my iPad today, which doesn't have all my music on it, but it's got most of what I listen to these days, so I guess it's good enough! I will also combine this with a different meme*. I'll write the song name and post a pic of the artist and YOU, dear reader, get to guess who the artist is!
1. "All to Shit"
2. "Devil in Her Heart"
The Beatles - Guessed by
midnight_sky9 and
apricotsushi 3. "The State"
4. "Three Witches".
This is from a movie score, so it's cheating a little bit.
5. "Darkness Descends"
6. "Starlight"
7. "Ma Memoir Sale"
8. "Constantinople"
9. Blah Blah Blah
Kesha - Guessed by
midnight_sky9 10. "Speechless"
* I stole this idea from
nimielle , along with the idea to search for goofy pics.
Also, today is the halfway point in this meme!