My heart is beating like a jungle drum

Jun 09, 2010 22:54

I really, really, really want to go to Iceland. My friend (who lives there, lucky bastard) sent me a link to this video.

image You can watch this video on

Based on my friend's ridic personality and the sheer awesomeness of the people in this video, I have decided that Iceland is basically the best place in the world, and I have to go there very very soon.

Alas, I have no money. I wish I could go teach there, but their English education is already pretty good and it's a bitch to get a work visa, apparently. South Korea's much easier, so that's where I'm headed. I only wish there was some amazing tourist video that could get me excited for it.

In other news. I'm planning a social experiment for tomorrow (Thursday) night. I'm back in NYC, well Jersey, but a lot of my friends aren't. I'm tired of sitting at home alone, skyping my friends who are off in distant locales, enjoying life while I rest my feet from running after children all day.

My social experiment is very simple. I'm going to go into a bar and sit at a prominent booth or at the bar. I'm allowing myself a book of crossword puzzles to stave off boredom, and will limit myself to checking my phone once every half hour.

What is my ultimate goal? To strike up a conversation with someone new. I want to meet and talk to someone I didn't go to school with dammit!

Will I succeed? Will I fail? Only time will tell.

life is strange, travels

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