Using it in vain

Apr 13, 2007 03:05

So I'm browsing on Facebook, checking out events, groups that I've been invited to and declining them, and I stumble across a group entitled, "God's last name is not 'damnit'". One of my friends is in it so I think, what the hell, I'll go check it out.

I do, and this is what I find:

"There a stigma behind Christians sticking up for what they believe-- like, if non-Christians argue their beliefs, they are passionate, but if Christians defend their beliefs they are fanatical. Therefore, many people choose not to defend their beliefs and simply know that their beliefs are theirs alone and they are not required to explain them."

Ok, that makes sense. When I hear someone preaching Christian beliefs, I do tend to jump to the immediate conclusion that they're fanatical. It's a result of pop culture, and plain old experience (I'm from the south). I do have friends who defend their beliefs with reason and passion, without condescension or disdain for my own belief system (buddhism). While I may not agree with them, I respect them and am willing to listen to them. But I find that this kind of Christian is very rare indeed, for the most part they spew out hatred like,

"I was so disturbed to see a picture of two girls, kissing as if it was "A" ok. I was disturbed to know that someone actually thought that it was Ok to use that picture... Christians lets' take a stand. We can't stand for the things of this world. WE must stand for Christ who is not of this world. Stand for Christ."

How can anyone not think this is fanatical?


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