Jul 06, 2006 21:10
I recently finished reading H.A.Guerber's "Myths of the Norsemen". The book was fairly well written(since much of the wording was the authors own) or compiled. But in some parts and especially towards the end it became most evident that the author was a person whom I would call "of small mind". My reasons for saying this are not necessarily that the writer appeared uneducated...on the contrary they seemed to hold a wealth of information. However, they were incapable of viewing anything in the mythologies as more than an analogy of an ignorant persons view of cause and effect. I would compare the writer to someone who picks up a book, studies it thoroughly, and remarks that they completely understand the book...it is a collection of pages bound together. Barring the authors opinion on the foundations for the source material, it was good. Unfortunately the authors attitude shown through a bit frequently for my tastes.