Ok. So it's our last practice before our first competition that is coming up this Saturday... at Martin High School... we perform at 2:00pm... A-Guard at 4:20pm... OK ANYWAY...
Yeah, I'm kinda nervous. Just a little bit knowing the fact that alot of my friends are going.
The show looks pretty good though.
So after practice the B-guard thought that our uniforms had come in... or Lopez though. So we're there getting our uniforms and when Araceli and Raven come in wearing them it was like "ROFL!!!" We got the Dazzler's uniforms/package by mistake. Haha! Wow those uniforms looked very... "revealing". I would have NOT WORN THOSE, NEVER! That was so funny.
Carnival tomorrow.
I'm excited.
The State of Texas VS. Juan H.
hah, that still sounds cool.
Bogey and I are the coolest kids in our BCIS class... due to the fact that everybody enjoys reading our insulting messages to each other. So fun. Good times. I love it!
btw black hair now.
I'm waiting for the pizza.
Cheers, guys!