The 2K11 24/7 LXXI: Chaos Without Order

Mar 12, 2011 23:25

In the midst of a bit of chaos right now - the day was more or less dedicated to preparing our wedding invitations to send out sooner than later. We had several friends over, and over the course of 7 hours (including breaks), they're done for the most part. Address labels still need to be completed, and other little things for the wedding need to be sorted out, but we're far closer now than we were before. It's a great feeling.

So why am I telling you all this?

Because in order to get a little more order and productivity in the wedding planning, something else had to give. Yes, that's right - in this case, it was my fabled post on bathroom etiquette. It's sad to see it go to the wayside, but it seems to be something more fitting for a Manners Monday in the end after all.

But chaos. It's all around us at any given time, looking to derail plans. Confuse us. Change the circumstances in the lives that we lead.

My chaos right now looks a little like this:

  • The ideas I have and the notes I have for them being scattered throughout different notebooks, text files and emails to self
  • Tons of books and magazines to read (and apparently, no time to read them all)
  • Art supplies that need using to create my next grand masterpiece
  • The bags that I carry stuff in
  • The stuff that I put in the carrying bags
  • Things to sell
  • Things to donate
  • Files to sort through

I think you get the picture. Trying to get the chaos quelled while trying to organize a wedding, work hard at a job and simply sort one's life out in general? A challenging feat. I won't say that I'm succeeding. I won't say that I'm failing, either. But I think that somehow, I'm keeping my head above water. How about you all? What're those things that you know you need to do, but can never seem to get the drive to get them out of the way? Are there things you know you'll likely never use, but you cling to them anyway?

We really need to stop this. Chaos is consuming; order takes work.

I hope for a day where:

  • I don't have 15 tabs open on my browser du jour
  • I don't have ludicrously long to-do lists that look like they won't see completion anytime soon
  • I can look at a schedule and not feel that I've overbooked myself once more while trying to accomplish everything in the known universe
  • I've read all the books I own and know what I might re-read and what I should just donate elsewhere
  • I only own the clothes I wear - no more, no less

I look forward to that day, but it won't be today :)

Keep your lives sorted and clutter-free, so you don't need to write blog posts like me!

--case p.

Posted via email from 2K11 24/7
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