Mar 26, 2009 05:12
greetings all.
I've had a few weeks of serious introspection as a result of a very frustratingly random, sad incident in my life recently. I've decided that that it's time for me to start using my brain again.
Writing has always been one of my best creative outlets, and after going through all my old posts, I realized this was a place where I used to forward all the good/bad/silly/confused etc. things going on in my mind out to anyone who would read it. Sometimes, when I was lucky, people would actually respond. And every once and a while, true conversation was attained. I miss that.
My job keeps me pretty much completely nocturnal these days. I have little to no contact with friends and correspondence of any sort is withered down to a few lines here and there on this blinking screen. I spend most of my waking hours alone in my room, coming home after work, trying to be as quiet as possible as to not wake everyone else that's been sound asleep hours before I got here, watching the window brighten as the moon sets and the day star rises. I find myself desperate for contact. Sure, I'm around all sorts of people at work all night but the place isn't exactly conducive to intellectual exchanges. I'm not saying I feel the need to debate the intricacies and hypocricies at large in our society on a daily basis... I simply want to talk to people. Even if "talk" means typing thoughts.
So I'd just like to say hello again to everyone here.
I'll be hanging around here a lot more me thinks :)