Kitteh fostering is coming to an end for this batch. This was my 1st time fostering, and I enjoyed all of it, and the fun and love those babies brought everyday more than made up for the daily scooping chores. This is definitely something I'd like to do again!
They have all turned into beautiful little cats:
2 are leaving at the end of this week, and the rest next week... but I get to keep one!!!
Meet Bumper's new friend and my new kitty, Mauser
Bumper had been such a trooper! he progressively got used to the babies and warmed up to them more every day, then started playing with them. It's been really hard to pick his new friend, cause he's been playing and wrestling with all of them! turns out Stripey and Mauser seem to be the ones he plays with the most, Sniper the little grey female was my favorite for a while but I think she's a little scared of Bumper, and Mauser seems to be a better playmate.
The last couple days, I've caught Bumper snuggling with pretty much all of them, well maybe that's not real snuggling yet but he's letting them closer and laying on him more now... here with Mauser:
I think I might need a double cat bed soon...
I am so proud of Bumpy for being such a sweet "uncle", and I'm really glad he seemed to enjoy the company most of the time. I hope he and Mauser will keep getting along as they are now.