Awkwardly Waiting

Mar 26, 2013 04:41

Title: Awkwardly Waiting
Continuity: Transformers: Prime
Characters: Breakdown, Knock Out,
Rating: K
Disclaimer: Even while having to stay up all night, I'm still highly aware I don't own them.
Prompt: tf_speedwriting prompt 1 "setting: A waiting room"


The voice rang out of the office and quickly the next mech rushed inside.

Breakdown grumbled as he checked his placement in the queue...he still had five others ahead of him. He glanced around, spotting about twelve other cybertronians in the room. Some kept their optics downcast or offlined, avoiding any kind of contact with others, while others read data pads.

Though, there was one other mech who almost glared at Breakdown as he looked, making him quickly glance away.

This sort of situation was always awkward and Breakdown really hated every time he had to wait to see a medic over minor issues like this.

A startled mech ran past the waiting area, making a lot of the waiting patrons look up in confusion.

Suddenly, a medic stormed in, rather disgruntled about something. “Are any of you in the queue better looking?!” he demanded, “I mean, don’t any of you take care of your finishes?”

A long silence passed, making the medic scowl.

“What is the order of this queue?” he asked, knowing it was all down to common courtesy among the present Cybertronians. They all just had to queue up before the building opened and then remember who was before them.

Suddenly, everyone was shying away, hoping to see the other medic on duty all of a sudden.

“So NONE of you want to see a medic? TYPICAL” the red medic grouched, folding his arms, going to leave before spotting Breakdown standing up. A small smirk crossed his features but he said nothing.

Breakdown on the other hand sighed as everyone in the waiting area looked at him in surprise. “I’ll go next” he stated as boldly as he could manage with so many optics on him.

Beckoning the blue mech forwards, the medic almost purred. “Please, come into my office”

transformers fanfic, breakdown, speedwriting, transformers, knock out, tf

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