Mar 02, 2009 22:50
So I finally moved out of that hellhole and I feel so much better. Even just the look and feel of my new apartment is so much more positive and warm and inviting than the old one. And my new roommate could care less if I'm never there. I think we will be able to coexist peacefully. I feel so good about this.
On the other hand, I've got a butt-tonne of work for midterms, tomorrow I have my lab midterm, Wednesday I have a mid-project crit in my art class for a project I haven't started and also have to post to Blackboard my lab results for the lab report that is due on Thursday. Then I have to pack my carry-on and backpack for all of spring break.
On the bright side, spring break. Going home friday afternoon and when I get home we're going for sushi! Then saturday guess I'm getting new glasses/contacts at the butt-crack of dawn (9am) and sunday I'm getting my hair cut and dyed entirely a different color. I will not be a redhead after that :( but after I'm heading into the city hopefully to hang with Nelly!!! Then monday is Sara's 21st birthday which should be interesting and maybe fun to see her get drunk I guess. Then tuesday I meet up with Ian in the airport and head to Washington DC!! Hooray DC with Ian!! I'm so excited to sleep in a big comfy hotel bed with Ian as opposed to a crappy little CMU twin bed! And also hanging out in DC for 4 days! Nerdy spring break! Yay!
Now I must stop procrastinating and get back to studying.