Aug 05, 2008 01:12
So I was gonna post just saying that I feel kinda down right now but I kinda don't feel as down anymore.
Work: I hate unit 2. I want to be back in unit 3 with the oldest girls. I always feel bad having my trademarked tough tuna attitude towards them because I don't know if they can take it without crying and I hate criers. Also no tie-dye this week :'(
Life: Well today was actually pretty ok after work, I did some errands with Sara but Ilyssa made her ditch me so tehy could do boring crap without me. Which is fine because I had the most fantastic dinner, I warmed up leftover veggie hodgepodge with cheese and grabbed an Izze soda and I sat outside with a book and some music and ate food and read for like, 2 hours. It was so peaceful and relaxing, the perfect day for an outside meal that was mostly organic. Then I went and hung with Christine and Matt Marcus for all of like 20 minutes. The two of them need to work out their issues with each other (namely Matt has to get over Christine and Christine has to get over her life but that's for them to work out) but it was a nice escape from home.
On a side note, I need to stop turning into Wobbly-Knees McJellyfish every time I'm on my own without backup. I'm just as badass on my own as I am around my friends, I'm just as awesome, if not more awesome, when I can do things on my own.
Also, insomnia.
And 16 days till Pittsburgh.