
Mar 17, 2006 12:41

It was almost a relief the day that slim, featureless door opened in the wall of her cell and a guard tossed in the now familiar bodysuit. Bronze in some places, black in others, not a bad color combination, but she still thought it was ugly. The suit was form-fitting, embarrassing in some ways because it left nothing to the imagination where her figure was concerned. After weeks of being leered at by most of the guards and some of the scientists, she'd lost some of her body shyness. It was more humiliating that they didn't think of her as human.

Layer quickly stripped out of the neon orange 'prison' jumpsuit. She hadn't had underwear since her last period not looking at the scientist who remained at the door, watching for some reason she didn't want to guess at. She could feel the metal inlay of the bodysuit, pressing uncomfortably against her body despite the thin inner layer of cloth that kept it from touching her skin. She got it on without scratching herself and quickly pulled her hair out of the way when the scientist walked over, turned her around with an impersonal hand on her arm and pulled the zipper up over her spine.

The wires were to keep her together. Previous test subjects had fallen into pieces at the end of their journey- sliced apart on the other side of the teleportation platform. The technicians were tired of cleaning up body parts. Layer had been one of the 'lucky' ones. By this time they'd recalibrated the teleporter to the point where it wouldn't kill during the first trip, but slowly, over time and repeated uses, it was tearing her body apart.

The teleporter was comparable to a fax machine. Although the 'original' object being teleported didn't remain behind, whatever went through the machine ended up on the other side slightly irregular- veins like pipes that weren't quite aligned anymore. The more trips taken, the further out of alignment her body became. Eventually they wouldn't be able to transport blood at all. She'd bleed internally, and die.

Layer followed the scientist, the feet of the body suit making no sound on the concrete, and hoped today would be the day.
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