Nooo, I'm not angry. But that's what I'm going to discuss!
This week, we had a man in Texas who's had a decades-long dispute with the IRS. Finally, he reached the last straw, and decided to write an internet manifesto, followed by burning his house to the ground...followed by flying his plane into an IRS office building. In a northwest Tampa neighborhood, a man snapped, going on a shooting rampage through a suburban neighborhood before finally being apprehended. I mean, I could go on and on and on, but I'll leave you with this week's best examples of what I'm talking about. There once was a time when people settled arguments and disputes face-to-face. It wasn't always clean or pretty, but things got settled one way or the other. These days, it seems that people sit like a slow-simmering kettle, until one day they get pushed, and the entire mess just boils over into a psychotic episode. Why else would otherwise normal people go on batshit killing sprees?
Has 'flipping out' become our society's new coping skill? And if it has, why?
What do you think? Weigh in on this if you want. I'm gonna make it public, and add a poll to make it more interactive and entertaining. Yay!