Volcano ashes :(

Apr 16, 2010 09:45

Apparently our flights to London are both cancelled..heh. D:

I will contact our ..uhm contact person (xD) from our school later and ask him what we're going to do. Lufthansa offers that people whose flights got cancelled may use the trains of the Deutsche Bahn with their flight tickets. So I think we will go by train because we can't wait days/weeks for a new flight. ^^'

Last night I got a small panic attack because I couldn't find my tickets and other important documents! raa! They just vanished but I was so sure that I took them home with me. I even contacted my co-worker in the middle of the night (he was still awake luckily) and asked him to check my shelf at work today if I left the documents there. However, I just rememberd where they are and found them, I'm so relieved! *lol* I hope my co-worker won't be mad at me because it was a false alarm. ^^;;;

I still have to pack so much stuff into the suitcase! @_@; I was quite chilled the last days but now I've finally gotten nervous. lol

internship, travel, london, ashcloud

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